Monday, December 31, 2012

Is GOP Congressional leadership caving on guns?

What may be happening behind closed doors.

The confidential email pictured below was released recently by conservative radio host Doc Thompson.  It is an email conversation between a friend of Thompson, and an anonymous GOP Congressional staffer. 

As you can see, the conversation appears to admit that Republican leadership in Washington may have already made the decision to compromise your 2nd Amendment rights just as they did on so called "fiscal cliff."  We all have to hope this staffer is wrong, but with the likes of the two questionable GOP Senators from here in Georgia and others who seem to have little to no regard for the Constitution or the God-given liberties it defines, it wouldn't be a stretch to easily believe that this is in fact the case.

Call, email and pester your elected officials from all parties just shy of the point of harassment. No compromises on the first among equals. Period.

"Live Free or Die"

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Necessary Cohesion: Why America’s right-of-center must find common ground

Photo: (wp-content)
Why the left is winning and we're not
Discussion of political ideology, especially of differences, is possibly one of the healthiest acts citizens of a free society can take part in.  Dissent, when rooted in truth and justice, is an important ingredient in the makings of a patriot, but when those dissentions between those who are more alike than different begin to allow the destruction of a nation by the opposition, it becomes problematic. 
In America, the Left keeps winning and the Right is in danger of losing America beyond the point of rescue.  Why?  Because we’ve all helped – well intentioned – but helped all the same. 
The Right has helped the left towards America’s destruction by doing what is normally a good thing, by simply being who we are and doing one of the things that makes us better, but at some point it becomes damaging and should be done behind closed doors and only on matters – to borrow a term from the religious world – of salvation. 

While the right-of-center (Republicans, conservatives, Tea Party, Libertarians/libertarians, Constitutionalists etc.) were arguing internally over who among them is to blame for America’s problems, the Marxist fueled leftist propaganda machine – the Democratic Party – was busy doing work and essentially taking over the nation. 
The left, as a body, lacks – to a large extent – what the right prides itself in: the ability to use objective thought politically and admit that it may not always be correct and the feeling that there is a need to object and walk away from the flock, even if only figuratively and/or temporarily.  Why else would so many long-standing members of the Republican Party all over the nation refer to themselves as “conservative,” among other terms, when confronted with the question of political leaning?  This is because they likely don’t agree with the undertakings of their party as a whole. 
On the battlefield –which is exactly where we find ourselves – an army that bickers and causes low moral within its own ranks is not going to win often because it is weak.  Back in the barracks it is healthy to argue the strategy of a plan, or debrief after a mission which may even include a healthy argument or two, but on the battlefield in the public eye there must be cohesion, AT LEAST on the truly important things about which we all agree:  Gun rights, limited government, low taxes, individual liberty/responsibility.  Do we not all agree on these most basic fundamentals? 
Just as churches, clubs and other organizations often split while arguing everything from what color the new building should be to what time service should be held, we have found ourselves – the Right – creating our own little clubs arguing amongst ourselves, while the left has become a powerful movement of team players working together to destroy the God-given liberties defined within the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  While we were bickering over whether the Labrador or Golden Retreiver is best, the left was busy outlawing dogs. 

We can get back to healthy (and often necessary) arguments in a few years, but for now our most basic of liberties are in grave danger of becoming so far gone that they cannot be regained without the bloodshed of future generations.  I don’t want that for my daughter, so I pledge to put away my differences on the more trivial issues – no matter how passionate I may be – and to come together with others on the Right to help preserve liberty for future generations NOW, while it’s still possible.  Will you also take that pledge? 
If we do it right, it may only be temporary.  We can get back to arguing the fun stuff another day. 
"Live Free or Die"

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Fiscally irresponsible Paul Ryan for Speaker?

I want to spend THIS much!

How Ryan could be worse than Boehner

So there's a coup in the making to oust fiscal traitor John Boehner from his position as Speaker of the House.  Good news right?  It could be, but only if the replacement is a more trustworthy, fiscally conservative candidate with a long, consistent history of financial accountability.  So, as it so often goes, who can we pick that will have none of these traits, but talks a good game?  Paul Ryan, that's who.  

Rep. Ryan (R-WI), the recent GOP VP candidate, who we all had to witness being rightfully called out by possibly the most insane, irresponsible man in Washington, D.C. - Joe Biden - for being a hypocrite on bailouts, has had his name tossed about as a possible replacement.  If we're going to replace bad with bad, I'd rather keep what we have and at least be honest with ourselves, as conservatives, that we have a problem.  First step to recovery right?  

Why so down on Mr. Ryan?  Let's take a look at his fiscally irresponsible voting record:

Troubled Asset Relief Program or (TARP)- Yea 
Auto Bailouts- Yea
Confiscatory tax on CEO bonuses- Yea
Extending unemployment benefits- Yea

(This^ is why there is a TEA Party movement right?)

Does Ryan have a relatively conservative voting record overall?  Yes, but he has shown that he is more than willing to compromise with the fiscally unsound ways that have gotten us where we are today financially.  Isn't that why we're so angry with Speaker Boehner?  Replace him we must, but with who?  I say not Paul Ryan, but after the recent purges of true fiscally conservative Republicans from key committee positions, this move has little in the way of shock factor; especially when one of the key players in this purge seems to have been Ryan himself.  

Three minutes on Project Smart Vote via a Google search renders Mr. Ryan's fiscally conservative front void of all credibility.  Even Joe Biden saw that one.  Are we and our GOP congressmen not brighter than ole Joe?  Let's sure hope so.  Unless it's not so much a lack of "know," and more of a lack of "care."  Either way, it's no good. 

"Live Free or Die."

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Video Games: "The Devil's Tool"

The Misperception of the Modern Video Game

I have seen a number of people arguing that video games are to blame (as usual) for the violence in our world.

I obviously disagree, but I would like to explain why.

When you play a video game as an adult, you understand that it isn't real. You understand that it is a fantasy world and you don't actually live within the confines of said game.

If parents don't teach their children the line between fantasy and reality, how can we expect them to grow up knowing the difference?

We're coming up on a holiday that is supposed to celebrate the birth of Christ, but actually creates this marketable fantasy complete with a lie about an all-seeing present-bringer. Why do we choose to lie to our children for years, and then expect them to understand the difference between fantasy and reality?

And how can parents teach their children about that difference if they spend hours watching totally scripted "reality tv"? If the parents themselves don't know the line between fantasy and reality, how can they teach anyone?

Too often, we find ourselves trying to escape this world and live vicariously through others. I argue that not having the ability to come back down to earth is what causes people to not understand the differences.

Another reason I disagree: there are millions of kids/teens/adults playing these "violent" video games and yet we have had a decline in crime over the last decade. Am I to believe that the games are responsible, even though the total number of gamers has increased and the total number of crimes has decreased?

The gaming world is extensive. At almost any time, you can sign into Xbox Live and find around a million gamers actively playing games. Playstation Network has a large following as well.

My point is, let's look to ourselves before continuing to blame the world around us.

I have spent the majority of my life playing these so-called violent games, and yet I'm one of the least violent people you'll meet. My brother, and almost every one of my friends, also plays these games. None of us are violent.

There have been a few studies that show a moderate level of gameplay is actually GOOD for teens, in order to get out aggression. They also build relationships with other gamers, and the world of gamers spans ALL socio-economic brackets. Video games can create bonds between people where otherwise they would have nothing in common.

I argue that video games are a GOOD thing. And I plan on letting my daughter delve into these games as much as she wishes.

99 years of fractional banking

This building is private property.

How the "Federal" Reserve ruined America   

“It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.” 
― Ron Paul, End the Fed

The 99th anniversary of the beginning of the end of the American government the founders so beautifully arranged is upon us.  While we all so feverishly argue over how much tax to pay and who should and shouldn't be bailed out by the government, let us take time to remember that the root of many (most) of our fiscal problems in the United States are well rooted in one single piece of legislation passed just before Christmas Eve of 1913; the Federal Reserve.  The name itself is a misnomer due to the fact that these regionally placed institutions are, in fact, private property run by private banks and under no oversight by Congress or any other government agency.  

And so the central banking monster that so many of our founders opposed so greatly was enacted, turning over America's money supply to the hands of private banks, and has not been open to public audit since.  This came only months after the ratification of 16th Amendment, which gave the U.S. Government its largest increase in central power from the founding of the nation through present time; the right of the IRS to collect taxes "on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration."

What is "fractional banking," and why is it dangerous?  Fractional banking is, simply put, when a banking institution takes your $100 deposit and lends it out to others, keeping only a "fraction" of your money on hand.  The logic behind this is to "expand" the economy and "free-up" money, but what it leads to is a hidden tax on your money called "inflation."  This act also makes it impossible for everyone to get their money out of the bank in case of a "run."  (Remember the scene from It's a Wonderful Life?)  It's not just $100 either, but billions and trillions of dollars.  

The Fed has caused massive amounts of inflation, which is when your money is worth less (eventually becoming worthless).  No single point in history can be blamed on the same rate of enormous inflation as the Federal Reserve.

If you are looking at the consumer price index chart above and wondering why the largest increases of inflation in America didn't start really spiking until the early 1970's, it's because there's one more final nail in this coffin; removal from the gold standard in 1971.  This ability to print money out of thin air with nothing to back up its worth except "confidence," combined with the Fed's ability to simply lend this already fiat currency several times over, causes the little red line to go up up up, and it hasn't stopped yet.  Who are they lending money to?  Why do they continue to bail themselves out?  Yes.. themselves, the private banks.  

Lets take an example everyone can understand.  Gas, for example, isn't only expensive because of where we get it, or who sets prices.  When raw oil "goes up" over $100 a barrel, for example, it didn't always "go up," but the dollar became worth less in the global exchange.  And when the dollar is worth less, the number of dollars it takes to buy something goes up as well.  This is a tax.  If you earn $3 -worth one gallon of gas - today, and tomorrow that same gallon costs $3.15, each of your dollars was just taxed at a rate of 5% by inflation.  

What is being done?

There have been several well-known proponents of an audit (and/or end) of the fed throughout history.  Most notably Andrew Jackson, but in recent history retiring Congressman Ron Paul, who's last major action of his final term was to introduce H.R. 459, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act, which would allow a Congressional audit of the Fed.  This bill passed the house, but Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D-NV) refuses to allow discussion or a vote on his floor.  

What can I do?

If you'd like to become involved, or learn more about the dangers of fractional banking and fiat currency the best way to do that is to become educated.  Also, call your Senator and tell them you want a discussion and vote on H.R. 459/S. 202 now.  

Suggested Reading:

"End the Fed" by Ron Paul


"Live Free or Die"

Friday, December 21, 2012

You're one step closer to GITMO

H.B. 4310: The 2013 NDAA Passes easily stripping right to trial

The final roll call for the 2013 version of the National "Defense" Authorization Act shows that few legislators understand or care about even the most basic of American liberties.  This bill not only includes the ability of the for the United States Government to indefinitely detain American citizens, but also allows it to do so without trial, thanks to the handiwork of Senator John McCain (R-AZ). 

The bill (which can be read in full here) which is renewed yearly in order to distribute Department of Defense expenditures has, for the last few years, been used to begin to strip the American people of our most basic rights.  

Patriots like Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) spent days arguing against such language in the current bill, and even successfully passed an amendment within the bill that, for a brief time, seemed to have relieved the bill of such abilities:

" authorization to use military force, a declaration of war, or any similar authority shall not authorize the detention without charge or trial of a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States unless an act of Congress expressly authorizes such detention."
The problem remains, however, after amendment 3018 was stripped from the newest draft of the 2013 NDAA by a House-Senate Conference Committee led by - you guessed it - John McCain, who quite ironically is likely the only member of congress to ever be indefinitely detained.

So in a pathetic vote of 315-107, your right to trial went out the window, nullifying another section of the Bill of Rights.  "But I'm not a terrorist" you say.  Well, isn't that term subjective and relative to opinion?  With recent developments in attacks on another section of the Bill of Rights - the right to bear arms - what if everyone who owns an AR-15 is considered a "terrorist?"

Remember when conservatives and liberals alike hailed the "Patriot" Act as our grand new safety net from terrorists?  But that was for them, not us, right?  As a 20 year old, without yet having a college education, I remember thinking how dangerous this Act was once the definitions changed.  Well, that tide has been shifting on us since it's original passage and now we're all about to drown in our own selfishness.

No worries.  I hear Cuba is nice this time of year.

"Live Free or Die."

Welcome to the underground

Well, here goes...

This blog will be used as a space separate of for the writers on the staff to express opinions and ideas that may be a little more personal, a little less objective and a LOT more fun than the serious political news and information on the website proper.   

There may sometimes be actual news, serious opinion, and heartfelt commentary as well, but consider this blog to be the "casual Friday" of the Floyd Politics family.  

Thanks for stopping by.  Enjoy the ride!